Shonda Gipson, a prolific writer in the Entertainment industry, captivates audiences with her unparalleled storytelling prowess. As a dedicated wordsmith, she brings narratives to life on the digital pages of Your Entertainment Network. With a keen eye for detail and a flair for creativity, Shonda explores the vast realms of entertainment, seamlessly weaving together tales that resonate with readers. Her articles on showcase a deep understanding of the industry, offering insightful perspectives on the latest trends, celebrity news, and cultural phenomena. Shonda Gipson's passion for the written word not only informs but also entertains, making her a sought-after voice in the realm of Entertainment writing.

Is becoming a professional animator your career goal? You may have heard that you can learn everything you need to know online, but going to school for animation is a valuable experience that sets you apart from the competition. Whether you want to bring movie scripts to life or develop interactive software tools, here are three reasons to consider animation school in Chicago.

Learn From the Experts

Although there is a wealth of information freely available on the internet, nothing beats learning first-hand from the top experts in the field. Attending an animation program with experienced, accomplished faculty teaches industry knowledge that you can’t find anywhere else.

Grow as an Artist

There is more to animation than learning how to operate software and equipment. Your personal style is a major selling point for your work, and you can develop your artistic vision at a school for animation.

Develop Soft Skills

Communication, leadership and working with others are important parts of being an animator and attending animation school can help you develop these soft skills along with your artistic talents.

Do you want to study animation at one of the nation’s most historically significant accredited schools of art and design? Located in one of America’s greatest cities, School of the Art Institute of Chicago has been a leader in educating the world’s most influential artists, designers and scholars for 150 years.

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